Prepping for the opening date!

Prepping for the opening date!

It has been very busy around here! If I’m not sourcing for clothes to bring to the shop I’m either working, cleaning, or with my hubby. I have been having a lot of fun getting this all together. It’s a lot of work but, it does keep me busy. And I like busy! 

I’m starting from the bottom and learning as much as I can! Thanks to the factory I am working with for their patience & answering all the questions I have! And to other small shop owners for also helping me out! I always warn them at the beginning that I am new to this and that I’ll have one to many questions ;-) 

This week I am babysitting for my brother and his wife. Three kids and many diaper changes later - I am beginning to realize that they are testing my patience! Hah. I love them dearly and they’re cute, so it makes it easier.

I brought my camera along because it is the perfect opportunity to snap some pics! And I’m so glad I did. They don’t always sit there and smile but, that’s the joy of it. The pictures turn out looking natural when the kids are doing their thing.

That’s all I got for you today! Thanks for reading if you have got this far - I’ll be back! Make sure to leave a little comment too!

Xoxo, Kara

P.S. This is my first testing blog I won’t be becoming a blogger but it was fun while it lasted :’)

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